Name | Street | Town | State | From | To |
Manhattan Firearms Manufacturing Co. |   | Norwich | Connecticut | January 1, 1856 | 1868 |
Patent | Date | Remarks |
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Contract | for |
Ordnance Department, September 23, 1861 | 26 blued seven shot cylinder pistols and 10 plated seven shot cylinder pistols and 5000 cartridges |
Product | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The company was incorporated in New York City. The production was organized in Norwich.
The New York office was used for business meetings and sold manufactured articles. September 1, 1857, agreement between the company and Thomas K. Bacon (see Bacon) Which said:" I hereby convenant and agree to and with said company, that I will not engage, or be in any way concerned, in the manufacture or salt, or in any other way connected with dealing in fire arms of any kind whatever, during twenty years from this date, provided said company allows me, as another consideration, to make for them, at the prices annexed, all that they use of the following parts of pistols: " This document was signed by Thomas K. Bacon but not by Albert Beach, secretary of said company (Manhattan). Becames American Strandard Tool Company in November 23, 1868
Lawsuit Manhattan vs. Bacon in 1858 as Bacon founded his own company in 1858. This lawsuit adjourned the court adjourned sine die in 1860. In this lawsuit Bacon was presented as the employ of the petitioners although the agreement appears to place him in the position of a subcontractor for Manhattan. It even seems that Bacon was the only person affilated with the Manhattan organization who knew the arms business therefor the loss of his services must hit the company seriously. Trademark: Hero London Pistol Company Bar-Hammer Single-Shot Pistols.31 caliber percussion, double action, 2" round and octagon barrel.34 caliber percussion, double action, 3" round and octagon barrel .36 caliber percussion, double action, 4" round and octagon barrel Manufactured from 1856 to 1860, production was about 1500 Markings on barrel Manhattan F.A. Mfg. Co. New York Shotgun Hammer Single-Shot Pistols.36 caliber percussion, double action, 5" round and octagon barrel.36 caliber percussion, double action, 6" round and octagon barrel On of the rarest Manhattan Arms. Bacon & Co. produced a similar pistol but with ring trigger right side Pepperbox with bar hammerMarkings on hammerManhattan F.A. Mfg. Co. New York .31 caliber percussion, double action but barrel group had to be turned by hand, 3 shots, 3" barrel, very rare left side right side .31 caliber percussion, double action, 5 shots, 3" barrel .31 caliber percussion, double action, 6 shots, 3" barrel Manufactured from 1856 to ? Pepperbox with bar hammer.31 caliber percussion, double action, 6 shots, 3" barrel.31 caliber percussion, double action, 6 shots, 4" barrel .31 caliber percussion, double action, 6 shots, 5" barrel Resembling the Allen pepperboxes in outward appearance but mechanically different. Manufactured from ? to ? Bacon was made the barrels and was paid 20 cents each for the 3" barrel 30 cents each for the 4" barrel and 40 cents each for the 5" barrel Markings on hammer Manhattan F.A. Mfg. Co. New York .31 Caliber Revolver.31 caliber percussion, single action, 5 shots, 4", 5" or 6" barrel, bears the mark of Joseph Gruler, co-inventor of the company's best patentManufactured from 1858 to ? Markings on barrel Manhattan F.A. Manufg. Co. New York or Manhattan F.A. Mfg. Co. New York or 1st ModelSerial number 1 to about 1000Manufactured in 1858 and 1859 2nd ModelModel starts between serial number 900 and 1000Manufactured from 1859 Large size grip Attachable stock available 3rd Model.31 Caliber Revolver, Improvement.31 caliber percussion, single action, 5 shots, 4" barrel, 10 cylinder stopsManufactured from ? to ? Markings on barrel Manhattan F.A. Mfg. Co. New York .22 Manhattan First Model .22 Caliber Revolvers.22 r.f. caliber, 7 shot single action revolver, 3" barrel, tip-off, similar to S&W 1st Model 6th variationManufactured from 1860 to ? Markings on barrel Manhattan Firearms Manufg. Co. N. Y. 1st Model, first variationRound brass frame, round brass side plate, about 1600 made until 18611st Model, second variationRound iron frame, round brass side plate, made until 1861 and found in the serial number range from 1600 to 48001st Model, third variationRound iron frame, round iron side plate, hammer spur more curved, made until 1861 and found in the serial number range from 4800 to 70001st Model, fourth variationas the third variation but with shorter barrel latch, made until 1861 and found in the serial number range from 7000 to 90002nd Model.22 r.f. caliber, 7 shot single action revolver, 3" barrel, tip-off, similar to S&W 2nd ModelManufactured from 1861 to ?, about 8000 were manufactured in its own serial number range Markings on barrel Manhattan F.A. Mfg. Co. New York .36 Caliber Manhattan Revolvers.36 caliber percussion, single action, 5 shot, 4" to 6 1/2" octagon barrelManufactured from 1859 to 1868 and production is estimaton at 78000 5 or 10 cylinder stops Markings on barrel Manhattan Fire Arms Co. Newark N.J. Series IBarrel with New York addressno 1859 patent date on the cylinder 5 shots serial number range from 1 to about 4200 Series IIBarrel with New York addresscylinder with 1859 patent date 5 shots serial number range form about 4200 to about 14500 Series IIIBarrel with Newark address in one lignecylinder with the 1859 patent date 5 shots serial number range from about 14500 to about 45200 Series IVBarrel with Newark address in two lignescylinder with the 1859 patent date 5 shots serial number range from about 45200 to about 69200 Model IV with its acoutrements and again, model IV with its acoutrements same, closer look on the bullet mould and the pouch Series VBarrel with Newark address in two lignesCylinder with the 1859 patent date 6 shots serial number range from 1 to about 9000 see also American Standard Tool Company successor to Manhattan Fire Arms Company |