Name | Street | Town | State | From | To |
Davenport, W.H. | Eddy Street | Providence | Rode Island | 1878 |   |
Davenport, W.H. | 79 Orange Street | Providence | Rode Island |   | 1884 |
Davenport, W.H. |   | Uxbridge | Massachusetts | 1884 | 1887 |
Davenport, W.H. |   | Norwich. London county | Connecticut | 1887 | 1904 |
Patent | Date | Remarks |
237,432 | February 8, 1881 | Breech-Loading Fire-Arm view patent |
243,223 | June 21, 1881 | Breech-Loading Fire-Arm view patent |
251,099 | December 20, 1881 | Breech-Loading Fire-Arm, assigned to the Davenport Arms Company, Povidence view patent |
290,751 | December 25, 1883 | Breech-Loading Gun view patent |
300,851 | June 24, 1884 | Breech-Loading Fire-Arm view patent |
300,852 | June 24, 1884 | Breech-Loading Fire-Arm view patent |
315,130 | April 7, 1885 | Cutter-Head for Rifling-Machines, joined patent of W.H. Davenport and Joseph W. Day view patent |
320,637 | June 23, 1885 | Fire-Arm view patent |
326,276 | September 15, 1885 | Fire-Arm view patent |
334,570 | January 19, 1886 | Cocking Mechanism for Breech-Loading Guns view patent |
390,286 | October 2, 1888 | Set-Trigger for Fire-Arm view patent |
406,031 | July 2, 1889 | Breech-.Loading Fire-Arm view patent |
406,032 | July 2, 1889 | Mechanism for Fastening Barrels to Gunstocks view patent |
442,106 | December 9, 1890 | Adjustable Extractor for Breech-Loading Guns view patent |
465,354 | December 15, 1891 | Breech-Loading Fire-Arm view patent |
514,674 | February 13, 1894 | Ejector for Breakdown Guns view patent |
549,706 | November 12, 1895 | Cocking Device for Breakdown Guns view patent |
565,605 | August 11, 1896 | Shell-Extractor for Breakdown Guns view patent |
565,606 | August 11, 1896 | Shell-Extractor for Breakdown Guns view patent |
580,679 | April 13, 1897 | Magazine-Gun view patent |
592,239 | October 26, 1897 | Shell-Ejecting Device for Firearms view patent |
615,958 | December 13, 1898 | Ejecting Device for Breakdown Guns view patent |
638,322 | December 5, 1899 | Extractor Mechanism for Breakdown Guns view patent |
D33,975 | August 14, 1900 | Design for a Plate for Thumb Screws view patent |
701,158 | May 27, 1902 | Breakdown Gun view patent |
701,159 | May 27, 1902 | Locking-Key for Firearms view patent |
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Product |
W. H. Davenport W. H. Davenport & Co. Davenport Arms Company Bay State Arms Company Davenport Fira Arms Company William Hastings Davenport was born April 20, 1828, Mendon, Massachusetts and died in 1904. He was married to Julia A. Taft Davenport (1832-1912) in 1850. Their children were: William P. Davenport (1851-1887), Stearns Longley Davenport (1854-1927), Walton Clayton Davenport (1857-1936) and Cora Bethanna Davenport Webster 1861-1940). Davenport was initially a barrel maker for gun manufacturers such as Sharps, Hopking & Allen, Burnside... In 1878, he named his company W.H. Davenport & Co. A few years later he closed his business and reopened it as the Davenport Arms Company at 79 Orange Street, Providence. In 1884, he ceased all activities in Providende and founded the Bay State Arms Company together with Joseph Walter Day on March 7, 1884. Their business was located in Uxbridge, Massachusetts. Uxbridge Compendium, a local weekly newspaper wrote on October 3, 1884: "Business is so good at the Bay State Arms Co's, and the outlook for the future so encouraging while the shop room is so inadequate to this growing industry, that a 30 foot addition to the south end of the main shop is contemplated. This addition, which will he three stories high surmounted by a mansard roof, will cover the entire space to the present street line and if in future more room still is needed another story will be built with the same style of roof, to the present main building." The company finished about 25 guns daily, all probably based on Davenports 1883 patent. On January 21, 1887 the company was dissolved and the machinery etc. were shipped to Norwich, Connecticut. Compendium, January 21, 1887: "The Bay State Arms Company, who have been shipping their machinery, stock and tools to Norwich, CT., the last ten days, sent off the last load today. They will occupy in Norwich the large shop of the Hopkins and Allen M'fg. Company, whose charter they will run under. The shop was built expressly for the manufacture of rifles and shot guns and is well fitted up with the most improved heavy machinery which the concern here never had room for. With this and the full complement of smaller machinery and special tools the consolidated company will have every facility for competing with any arms manufactory in the country and expect at the outset a business of four times the magnitude of that done here. J. Walter Day will retain his connection with the new company and will be accompanied there by the Messrs Davenport and nearly all the pre- sent help, and expects to be running there within the next week. " Compendium, February 18, 1887: "Walton C. Davenport moved his family to Norwich, Ct., Saturday, and M.W. Gross and Noah Bellville will move there shortly, besides six other families who will go sooner or later, on account of the Arms Company locating there." When the Bay State Arms Company was dissolved in 1887, Deavenport found a job as plant manager at Hopkins & Allen, but already in 1890 he had founded a new company called the Davenport Fire Arms Co. This company operated until 1909. Hopkins & Allen bought the rights and continued to produce the Davenport models. Taken from their 1900 catalog " in 1894 we introduced, the first automatic shell ejecting device ever used on single breech loading shot guns" Elita GunBarrels up to 36" available as option. The Elita's were sold for $18 in 1900.12 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 30" or 32" barrel 16 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 28" or 30" barrel 20 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 26" or 28" barrel The Davenport Gose GunLocks and frames are case hardened, black walnut stock, checkered pistol grip, London laminated twist barrels, introduced in 18978 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 36" barrel, price in 1900 $20 10 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 36" barrel, price in 1900 $18 Acme GunFrame is case hardened, black walnut stock, plain pistol grip, decarbonized rolled steel barrels, up to 36" barrels as option, introduced in 189712 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 30" or 32" barrel the 12 gauge was also available with London laminated twist barrels 16 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 30" barrel 20 gauge, single shot shotgun, automatic ejector, available with 28" barrel Model 1891 Rifleno description availableBrownie RifleReplaced the Model 1891 rifle no longer available in 1899, case-hardened frame, black walnut stockstandard long and short rim fire, single shot rifle with loading lever, automatic ejector, 22" or 24" round blue stell barrels, sold for $8 in 1900 I would appreciate if someone could explain the marking YE COLONIAL or give additional information. Jim an me did not manage to clarify that. Go to and click on mail to me. Thanks a lot, Rudi marking on top (sorry, pic is not clear) additional marking YE COLONIAL on left side shotgun in loading position left side |