Name | Street | Town | State | From | To |
Collier, Elisha Haydon | 6 Herberts Passage, Beaufort Building, Strand | London | United Kingdom | 1819 | 1824 |
Collier, Elisha Haydon | 54 Strand | London | United Kingdom | 1826 | 1829 |
Collier, Elisha Haydon | 88 Eliot Street | Boston | Massachusetts | 1850 |   |
Patent | Date | Remarks |
English patent 4,315 | November 24, 1818 | Revolving Gun and Revolver  see patent |
French patent | August 5, 1819 |   |
U.S. 7,437 | June 18, 1850 | Method of Making Rails by Rolling see patent |
Contract | for |
  |   |
Product |
see also Wheeler, Artemas E. H. Collier, developed his multi-shot gun during the later part of the 1812 War. The country was poor and the Collier arms were exppensive ones to manufactures. So he went to England where he patented his invention in 1818. His patent expired on November 24, 1832 and it seems no more "Collier's" were made. His guns were made extensively in flint lock, pill lock and cap lock. The cylinder is from four to eight chambers and must be turned by hand. Their use was confined almost without exception to India and Africa. Heat and moisture soon reduced them to ruin and therefore only few are still in existence. Flintlock revolver. Collier lived in England from 1818 until 1850 when he returned to Boston. No production in the United States. It is said that Colt was inspirated by Collier guns. The Collier guns can be classified in three phase: 1st The Collier First Model prototype phase 2nd The Collier Second Model standardisation in design phase 3rd The Collier Third Model adapting the flintlock to caplock Colliers flintlock guns Collier First Model No. 1, flintlock pistol, manually rotated 5-shot cylinder, fitted with a multi-charge magazine frizzen Model No 1 Collier First Model No. 5 smoothbore long gun has a clockwork mechanism to advance the .56 cal. seven-shot cylinder and is fitted with a magazine frizzen Model No 5 Collier No. 17 is believed having made for the 1824 rial at the Woolwich Arsenal in London. It is a manually operated five-shot rifle. Its assembly number is "5", internal scribed letters are "VIIII", in addition to the lockplate number "17". This may indicate that it was the fifth prototype that Collier built. Model No 17 English marked Collier flintlock revolver right side View from front of a Collier gun front view The drawing is taken from his Englisch patent of 1818 Collier revolver drawing Colliers Percussion guns percussion rifle left side percussion rifle right side percussion cylinder schematic of collier Picture of the 1824 Collier's broadsheet which were printen on both sides. Is gives a description of his guns, the report of the 1824 trials and a certificate of gunmakers. 1824 broadsheet front side 1824 broadsheet back side |